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Original Silver presentation trowel to Sir H.E. Bulwer, Governer of Natal Colony on the ocasion of his laying of the foundation stone of the Durban Town Hall in 1883.  A photo of this ceremony was taken by a Natal Mercury journalist and can be found online.

Sir Henry Bulwer was Lieutenant-Governer of Natal from 1875 to 1880 and Governor of the Colony of Natal and Special Commissioner for Zulu Affairs 1882-1885. One of the 'Good Guys' of the Anglo-Zulu War, he attempted to mediate between Sir Bartle Frere and Cetshwayo and tried in vain to prevent the British Invasion of Zululand. It was Bulwer who set up the Boundry Commission, the findings of which were rejected by the British Government as it interferred with their plans for confederation.


Ivory handle scrimshawed with H.E.B Monogram.

Tang inscribed 'J. Pardy,Durban' (Maker)

Coat of Arms on handle: 'Borough of Durban, Colony of Natal South Africa. Incorporated 1854.'

Inscription on blade: ' Presented to His Excellency Sir H.E. Bulwer K.C.M.G Governer on his laying of the Foundation Stone of the Town Hall, Durban, Natal, S. Africa, Feb. 1st 1883.'

Original Silver Presentation To Sir H.E. Bulwer 1883, Durban, Natal Colony

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